I am sincerely proud of the renaissance of Nigerian literature. This one just got in and I'm sticking my beautiful head for it. It's gonna be good, friends.
From Caves of Rotten Teeth by A. Igoni Barrett is a collection of short stories that was first published in Nigeria in November 2005. The Orange Prize-shortlisted author Laura Hird described the book as 'a brilliant debut collection' and in an interview with the literary magazine Pulp.Net named 'The Phoenix', a short story in the collection, as one of the best stories she had ever read. 'The Phoenix' won the 2005 BBC World Service short story competition.
The fourteen stories in this edition of From Caves of Rotten Teeth (five of which did not appear in the first edition) deal with circumstances that reflect the day-to-day existence of modern African life. Although the stories may at times seem surreal the reader will recognize the truthfulness and realism with which they delve into the lives of their characters. The author has an uncanny eye for detail and a deadly accurate, though sometimes satirical, ear. With these stories he has achieved a vision that is both light-hearted and profound.
Praise for the second edition of From Caves of Rotten Teeth
'In this collection, Barrett entrances the reader with his lush language and imagery that brings the essence of struggle alive…the effect on the reader's imagination will last for a very long time' —Uzodinma Iweala, author of Beasts of No Nation
'A. Igoni Barrett's prose captures, with enviable depth, the emotions and circumstances of his characters…from addiction to everyday survival, these stories are delivered with sincerity' —Kaine Agary, author of Yellow-Yellow
'These stories share the same beauty of language, the same keen sense of observation…reading the collection is a journey into a world that is sometimes humorous, but very often a reminder of all that is wrong in our world' —Chika Unigwe, author of The Phoenix
Orders can be made by calling the number +234-702-533-5538 or sending an email to fromcavesofrottenteeth@gmail.com
The book is also available from the following places:
Kachifo Limited: www.kachifo.com
Glendora/Jazzhole: www.glendorabooks.net
Onyoma Research Publications: +234-807-763-8752
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